Saturday, December 6, 2008

Alcoholics Anonymous

Hey everybody,
Alex Here!
I thought that I would give an update of what has been going on in the last 4 months. I have been running like a chicken with its head cut off. I am looking forward to my break. My kids are really great. I have come to the conclusion that I really don't mind if we have a boy as much as I cared for one in the beginning. My girls are awesomely entertaining and do a great job of challenging us. One of them even seems to really like me. I guess Mycah asks mom every morning where I am. Lately when I have come home after they have gone to bed, Mycah is still asking mom where I am. It is awesome. I also like the way Dejah treats me. She is more like me in personality, in control and very independent. Well, I thought I would share something with you all. I have been working really hard on an assignment this last week. I was asked to attend 12 to 15 hours worth of a community organization that builds upon adult education principles. Due to my own procrastination, I left this assignment until the last two weeks of the course. This means that I was not able to be creative about what I could observe. Basically, I decided to attend Alcohol Anonymous due to its regular daily meetings and varieties of locations and times. To be honest, I never would have thought that I would have enjoyed and learned so much. Yes, the meetings got really old, but some of these people are very courageous and have had to battle alcoholism their entire lives. I guess I just really enjoyed hearing their stories and realizing the many blessings that the gospel brings into our lives. I finish today at noon. This will be my last meeting. Anyway, it has been a long week. We're going to be very busy. We hope to see you all on Sunday next week. Later.


  1. Alex, it took me like halfway into this post to realize you wrote it! You should introduce yourself! Good to hear from you. And....not to emberass you but it's ALCOHOLICS not ALCHOLICS. It was good to see you guys today. And nice job on the van! I like it!

  2. Now thats the nice thing about blogger! You can EDIT! All fixed.
    Actually I (Anna) posted this for Alex...I stole it from his email to his family. I figured no one ever hears a post from I stuck his email on the post and titled it misspelled...oops :>

  3. Thank you for sharing for him.
    It was nice to here about his project. I can only imagine what a truly humbling experience that must have been. Those of us who have the gospel and eternal families can forget how lost other people are without it.

  4. Gabe and I were just relieved to find out that you were going to these meetings as an assignment and not for some type of 'fight club' reason.
