Friday, January 23, 2009

What do Ya do on a Friday Night?

Tonight is Friday night. We have two young children and I am BORED! I REALLY want to get out tonight, but cannot seem to come up with anything "fun" to do that is low cost or free. It seems at this point we will be staying home. So here I am blogging while the girls play and Alex does homework. I keep asking Alex, "who could we go bug?", but his thinking is that if you aren't shouldn't do that. I say, "we don't invite people, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't LOVE for someone to come over and entertain me". Ok so that is my sob story for tonight.

In my previous post I mentioned my embarrassing condition called Labial Vericosis. Although embarrassing, it is way more uncomfortable to live with than to talk about. Some days I am more uncomfortable than others. Well, one of my Sister-in-Laws informed me that she has heard of a "support granny panty" that can relieve my symptoms. I talked to my Dr. about it and he said that I could get some if I needed them. Alot of women just wear tight underwear or just deal with it because it is for a short time. I looked into purchasing these underwear, but they are around $70 a pair. Today I finally called my insurance company to see if they covered any of it and.....They DO! Yay! "As long as it is purchased through someone on my PPO plan". Ok, so I called ALL the medical supply companies in the area, and wouldn't you know it, they've never heard of them!!! ARGHH! They sell support hose for the legs but not "support underwear" for the vulva. The only two I found online is the "V Brace" or a "V2 Prenatal Cradle". So the search is on. I think I will call my insurance company back on Monday and see if they know who I could purchase them from, or if they'll work with me. We'll see.


  1. I think the cradle looks better because it will last the whole pregnancy especially if you carry low. What about the pregnancy running support thing that they sell at Target? You may try that if your insurance doesn't cover these. My sister-in-law had the same thing.

  2. Okay, props to you for talking about the taboo subjects! Oh, and just so you know, you are more than welcome to come bug us on any night of the week! And just because you said you don't mind people just dropping in, I may just do it sometime! Sorry you were so bored tonight!

  3. Those are SO hideous!!!. And yet - a necessary evil if you ask me :) Im curious to see if it helps you, Dr west told me he heard mixed reviews on them. Im telling you - ICE PACKS. Thats the only way I functioned in my 2nd trimester!!!

  4. Sorry you were so bored! We have definitely been there at times! I still recommend taking cayenne pepper orally for your vericosis...

  5. That lady looks like a sumo wrestler. Good luck. I'm scared I'm going to get those in my next pregnancy!
