Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Celebration Park

This past Saturday, Alex was getting that "Beal Itch" as I call it, to get out and do something outdoors. He has been wanting to take the girls out to Celebration park for quite sometime. Of course, the day did not start well with me because all my vercose veins felt as if they were going to POP! Anyhow, after sitting on my rear the first half of the day, I decided to tough it out and go anyway. Alex called all of his family members in town to see if they wanted to come out for a hot dog and smore roast, but it was just too last minute. So we took off with our girls for a little outing. Here are the pictures we took.
Alex really wanted to be the one to blog about this day, but as things go in his life right now, he is WAY too busy with Work, his Masters Classes, and his new calling to even think about sitting to blog.
I don't really know what the significance is of this bridge, but the girls loved walking across and looking down into the Snake River.

There are tons of big rocks for climbing on there too.

There are some camping areas. Picnic areas, and even a launch pad for boats.

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