Friday, January 29, 2010

A little Anna Rant

Sometimes I feel like I am just going to explode! Do you ever feel as a mom that your days just blur into one big mass of Blah?? I mean, truly, everyday is just about the same, including this "non functional" body of mine. I can't seem to motivate myself to do even the littlest of know like.....shower? I'm not so tired that I feel like I need to sleep all day long, but I am definitely drained of any desire to perform any daily tasks. My house may not look too messy to the eye, but deep down....ewww. My kids pretty much live on cereal and PBJ's. Is this really what being pregnant is? I should know, its my fourth, but I swear we forget. Its so funny, because when I'm in this state it really feels like I will be like this forever, like there is no end in site. I remember when it didn't bother me to clean house, shower, go for walks. I even sought out opportunities to have "play groups". Go out to lunch, or shop. I loved riding my bike or going to the park with the kids. NOW? Is it because its winter? Am I a walking "host" to this baby that pretty much decides what my body will and will not do? Maybe its both. All I can say is Hallelujah....this is my Last and Final pregnancy. I feel good about it. I am excited and after this baby comes, hopefully and I.U.D. will keep me "safe" until I feel comfortable doing something more "permanent". If any of you know how to combat this "undesirable not so motivated dragging feeling", I am all ears. Chow!


  1. I think it's the winter season! i feel the same way. I can't wait for sunshine, then we won't be stuck in our house all day!

  2. I always drown my sorrows in Pepsi - but that doesn't help anything get done - makes the lbs come on quicker... but for a moment there is pure joy - totally kidding - kind of :)

  3. ....Maybe you could get a job...with that comes a schedule. also winter sucks!!

  4. :) Been there! Spring is on the way!

  5. I know I allow for anonymous comments, thats fine, but my rebuttle is this; I hardly concider 3 young children with one on the "unemployed". And, "Unmotivated" during this stage of pregnancy doesn't translate to - No "schedule" or sitting on my rear all day. I am quite busy, and have quite the schedule to keep up with.

  6. I know what you mean, I blame it on winter too as I am not pregnant and feel that way sometimes. I say to my husband, "I just want to rebel and not do the same thing everyday!" I found setting things out to do each week helps. I started with getting my son into soccer one evening and then we are going to the library once a week. It just seems to break up the monotony just enough. I also have started doing something for myself for just an hour a day. I have chose to exercise for that hour each morning at this stage. I don't know if any of this helps, you may already be doing all that and more. I would not be thinking of getting a job though... isn't 3 kids a full time job??

  7. Okay anonymous Jack Ass! That comment really pisses me off. Evidently you are not a stay at home mom because if you were then you would not be so ignorant to make a comment like that. If you are a working mom, then you have no idea how time and energy consuming it is to have children needing your constant attention from the time you wake up until the time they go to bed. And if you are a man, you have no idea how exhausting it is to be pregnant. Anna is a great mother, and housekeeper. I dropped in on her unexpectedly yesterday and her house was clean and her children were cared for. Just how dare you and that's super awesome that you are such a coward that you have to post in anonymously.

  8. I don't know if anonymous was being serious when they mentioned a job but Kendra you realize that a working mother faces the same trials that a stay at home mother does. You get to deal with two worlds one being at home with the children, dealing with kids, and also working a full time job that sometimes we don't choose to do because we want to but because we have to. So the abuse of both worlds I accept but when you say that a working mother doesn't know how it is to be a stay at home mother... is just ignorant because we do both.... Work at home and work away from home. Do you think that because we work that we don't do the dishes or the laundry or maybe you think we don't cook dinner. Just silly.

  9. I didn't say anything about cooking or cleaning. I have the upmost respect for women who step up to the plate and do what has to be done to support their families. I am not saying stay at home mom's have it harder, I know in a lot of ways they do have it easier. The point I was trying to make is that Anna is going through a hard time right now. She doesn't need more things to do, she's lacking the motiavation. And rather than put her down by saying she should get a job is not what she needs right now. It may have been a joke but they should have said that right afterwards. It just seemed unnecessary. Plus putting 3-4 kids in daycare would wipe out any type of salary so it would defeat the whole point of working. My intent was not to dis on any type of mother just to make the point that Anna has a right to be feeling what she is right now. I am not trying to fight and I will not respond after this. Thanks.

  10. Anna you Rock! Being a mother is a challenge and being pregnant just adds to that challenge. Remember you are awesome and take a deep breath and know it won't be like this forever.

  11. I right in guessing that you will be removing the "allow anonymous comments" from your blog after this? :)

    It's winter. It's b/c you're preg. It's "C-all of the above". And if any of us had the answer as to how to combat the not-feeling-motivated feeling, we'd be rich.
    Good luck! Glad you're glad it's your last! :)

  12. Oh tiff tiff ;) Lets all get along. I can see that we are all in agreement that being a mom...weater a "working mom" or "stay at home working mom" is a though job. Although I have my moments of complaint, I understand that we all have our own challenges in life. WE all experience the "BLAH" and feelings of unmotivation. Seriously, love the little drama fest....exciting :)

  13. Wow,
    I'm not going to lie that was entertaining. I feel like I was reading mommy drama soap opera. I don't know if stay at home moms and working moms will ever really see eye to eye completely. I think both have respect for one another but both think their job is harder/easier than the other. I'm just saying. But we are all just trying to do our best right?

    During my first trimester with this pregnancy I was so tired. I literally took a two hour nap everyday and went to bed at 10:00. My goals during the day were to exercise (only MWF), shower/get ready, make dinner, and take care of Corbin. That's it. I seriously didn't do anything else. I think it's good to have little mini goals everyday to make us feel better even when we are so tired but I also think it's important to get the rest that we need. The first trimester is hard and you need to take it easy but also try to find something in the day that makes you feel good about your day.

  14. Thankyou Mitzi. I really think you hit it on the nose. Even today, I am hardly functioning. I will try the "mini goals". Sounds like a good plan.
