Monday, August 15, 2011

Michael Buble'

For my birthday, my Mom gave me a ticket to the Michael Buble' concert.  Also included was dinner to PF Changs!  Yummy!  We went with a Friend from her work and Her son.  Anyway, dinner was Deeeelish, and the concert was So Fun and surprisingly a little crazy! Michael told dirty jokes, which was so surprising to me.  Other than those he was Hilarious! There was a drunk lady to our the middle row who was crazy wild and seriously tried to get security to let her go up on the stage.  A lady in front of us came alone and Facebooked the WHOLE CONCERT!  There was a couple behind us who liked to kiss a lot.  And can I just say.... HELLO MINISKIRTS!  They must be the new thing cuz there were a TON!  I'm tellin ya, I'd be afraid to see what happens with a little gust of wind!  We were row 7 on the left and it was amazing being that close.  Here are a few shots from the night. Thanks Mom and Dad!


  1. We went to a Buble' concert a few years ago. LOVE the music! Love his voice! But yes, the dirty jokes. And surprisingly.....I never would have thought he would have such a dirty mind. But, a great entertainer. I'm glad you had fun. Happy Birthday! (Be-lated!)

  2. We were there too. We were sitting 13 rows back from the stage. I agree - I was completely entertained.... loved, loved, loved the music but was quite disappointed that he has a little potty mouth and told some pretty horrible jokes. But mostly - we LOVED IT! Glad you had fun!

  3. We were there too. We were sitting 13 rows back from the stage. I agree - I was completely entertained.... loved, loved, loved the music but was quite disappointed that he has a little potty mouth and told some pretty horrible jokes. But mostly - we LOVED IT! Glad you had fun!
