Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Break...Building A Fence...Part One

So one of the things "lacking" when we bought this house was a fence. Probably not a big deal, we've gone without one this long..why even start? My answer...Kids. They just won't stay in the back. I tell them all the time, and they just won't mind. Well, I need some "peace of mind", especially since I'm moving onto my fourth kid, and there are no signs that we will be moving from here anytime soon.

So It is the first day of Spring Break. Alex has the whole week off, time to get started. I've spent weeks pricing fence and rental stuff. Thank heavens our brother-in-law was available to help!! There is No Way I could have helped Alex with this part!!

One Hole down....about 10 More to go. That thing isn't light either!!

My Brother Derek was able to bring us some tools from my Dad and get in on some of the helping for a couple hours.

For all their wonderful help I BBQ'd! Perfect day for grilling!

I wish I could say it all went smoothly without a hitch, but we did cut a sprinkler line...GREAT! So Alex gets to figure that one out Monday, before we continue on with that side of the house.

All-in-all, the posts are mostly done and cemented in place. All the holes are dug. The weather this week is supposed to be super crappy, but I'm hoping we'll get some hours here and there with ok weather. More posts to come!


  1. Okay, SERIOUSLY? Is that your garage??? I can't believe how CLEAN and EMPTY it is!!! Ours has NEVER looked like that, not a day since we moved in!! How do you not have it full of stuff?? You must tell me your organizing secrets!!
    Good luck with the fence this week! Hope the weather cooperates!

  2. YAY a fence!! Lucky you to get a new one....pretty sure my retarded neighbor knocked ours down and then tells me "oh sorry I have to work all week I'm not gonna fix it" I LOVE KUNA!:)haha Hooray for fences
