Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mycah Starts Preschool

I have never really considered puting any of my kids in preschool because it is just SO DANG EXPENSIVE.  I mean $100 or more for 2 to 3........ 2 1/2 hour days....crazy.  Anyway this year had to be the exception.  Mycah needed preschool.  She has a February birthday and I have no plans to hold her back, so I felt she could really use a head start. Now for the MIRACLE!  This amazing Mom (Katie Klaussen) found a preschool in Kuna that is only.........$35 a month!!  Are you kidding me? Miracle.  And Mrs. Hardy has an amazing curriculum and schedule for these kids.  I am so excited for Mycah!  Today was her first day and she is so excited that she gets to go to school.

Meet the teacher Day.  They made these little buses and drove to school.  She showed them around and talked about what they would be doing in preschool.

1st day of school.  It may not look like it, but Mycah was really happy and excited to be there.  She just objected to getting her picture taken.

Finally, some sort of a grin.


  1. She had a huge back yard! Wow! I'm sure she will love pre-school! Good for her!

  2. HOLY COW!!! Anna! With Mycah's hair crimped like that she looks like a minni-YOU! She is so beautiful!!!
