Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prepare to be Grossed out!

This past weekend Alex has been breaking out like a dang teenager. It started with one ugly looking pimple on the forhead. He picked it (as most of us would). When he did it just drained clear fluid and left a little hole in his head. Soon it was spreading. We wondered if his body was detoxing because of his new "diet". Yesterday, it just seemed to be getting worse. His eye lid and lymph nodes were starting to swell. This morning he woke up looking like this!!! Aghhhh!

We got Alex right into the Dr. So the conclusion is that Alex has a Staph infection AND Shingles!! Since it had spread to his eye, he was also sent to the eye Dr. All in all, he has three perscriptions to take and a gew to put in his eye. Crazy huh!? It doesn't have anything to do with his diet or excersize. I hope this stuff works fast. Not fun.


  1. That's sad... but it makes me laugh because most guys would blame a good diet and exercise just to get out of them. I've signed Toby up at a gym so it's fun (fun=sexy) seeing him leave for the gym. Oh, my mom said she talked to Alex at the temple a few weeks ago so we got the "Hello" from him!

  2. That sucks so bad, my mom had shingles and she said it was the most uncomfortable thing she's felt. Sorry Alex! Oh and I totally would have picked at them too...

  3. Okay, that IS kinda gross looking. And good job going to the doctor! His whole face is swolen! Staph infection and shingles....how do you get that?!!

  4. How does one go about getting shingles?

  5. Talking about going way out of your way just to wink at people. I hear you can get shingles from not camping/boating enough.

  6. That is right! We head off to redfish tommorrow. This shingles mischief is awesome. I have to let you get a shot at it sometime. Lately, I have been telling people that I got in the shot pattern of a shotgun. Believe it or not, it looks a lot like that now. I pulled it off to more than a few people. I told them I was clay pigeion shooting and that I got in the way as I was the thrower. Pretty lucky! Later

  7. one of my boys just had that on his leg! it is gross! hope he is all better!
