So the status for me is that her little head is down, but not DOWN and engaged. When he went to check the dilation, she would back up, so she's pretty high up there. I'm not really dilated, maybe a 1/2 or a 1. I am softened about 50%. He said my due date was the 22nd of August...which is "news" to me. He's been saying the whole time it was the 20th. I'm a little confused on that one. With that, he penciled me in for induction on the 16th. That feels so far away! I'm really hoping this baby will just continue in her sibling's footsteps and come around two weeks early! That would give me a week to a week and a half left. Until then I will be trying all the "things" said to encourage her to come. Apparently I don't have an appointment next week. It is in two weeks, so I may or may not get another check. And I may or may not get the membranes stripped. Who knows.
I just have to say I am surrounded by the greatest people EVER! I have such a WONDERFUL husband, and the Best friends anyone could ask for. This summer would not be the same without them. Alex has taken on more than his fair share of "babysitting"...if you could call it that. He has taken Logan off my hands more times than I can count. And when I want to go out, he takes all the kids. He does most of the housework around here. I just wouldn't survive without him.
As far as friends go, its like I said, they are THE BEST! They have really taken me "under their wing". We've spent so many summer days just sitting by the pool, going to eachothers houses, taking the kids to Burger King, today we ventured a free movie, and for a night on the town they took me out for a pedicure and dinner. Its just been so much fun laughing our guts out every week. Unfortunately there has been a mishap and I just wanted to clear a few things up for the people who may be getting a little misinformed. Without going into any details I just want to say Analee is a Wonderful person! She does not deserve any judgement from anyone. She is generous. She is a wonderful mother. She will make anyone laugh their head off. She goes out of her way for others and never talks bad about people. She is NOT Fake! She is for real, and she is a great friend to anyone who wants it. If you've been hearing anything otherwise, please do not believe it. It simply isn't true. I am leaving it at that. Friends are important, and anyone who needs a friend is always welcome to join in the fun!
Loves to all!