Friday, October 8, 2010


I am having one of those days. I feel so sick and tired of picking up my house. There is a constant supply of laundry to do. A constant flow of dishes to be washed. The kitchen table, the counters, the floor, they get cleaned and dirtied one right after the other. It feels like I clean all day, and no dent is made. It repeats itself day after day. Point Being.....I NEED A DAY OFF! I am in desperate need to go shopping. My "newest" clothes are at least 2 years old....and those don't even fit yet. I haven't had my hair cut in a year. I need shoes. My kids need some new clothes. Seriously the list goes on. Sometimes I think I could probably brave the stores WITH all four...but if you read my last post about shoe shopping, you can get an idea of how that would be. I do take them grocery shopping with me, I have no choice. I take them, or we don't have necessary household items, including food. Today I needed to make a run to two separate banks. Of course getting out of the house is a trick in itself. It was lunch time, so I fed Lexi in one arm with the bottle in the same hand while scooping spoonfuls of mac-n-cheese into Logan's mouth in the other hand, while yelling at Mycah to feed herself (she has a problem with this). Finally kids fed (except Mycah), Lexi needed her diaper changed. I'm loading them all in the car and of course...the poop machine himself had on a poopie diaper. I unload him, change him then reload him. Meanwhile, Lexi is having a meltdown. Folks...all this for one car ride to two quick bank stops. Wowzers! Now we're back. There is housework to do and I don't want to touch here I am blogging about it. Has anyone out there ever Hired a babysitter so they could take a day off? I am really almost considering it. Saturdays Alex usually has things to do, so having him do it......Won't Work.


  1. HEY! higher a babysitter FOR REAL and lets go shopping together! :-)... I barely take Hudson shopping, and he's just one good little baby, so of course you should have someone take your kids!

  2. YES! Do it Anna! It's necessary at least once a month (maybe not a whole day) but sooome time to keep your sanity! Do a whole day first though for sure! Have some fun and relax! I wish I was there...

  3. i hear yah about this-picking up the house so tiring. i love your blog, great pictures, i'm a follower

  4. I've thought about getting a babysitter while I run errands. I dread grocery shopping! Dread it. I don't live very close anymore but if you have errands to run in Boise you could drop your kids off here. Or if you need to clean for a couple of hours they could stay here and play. We should start some moms group like that.
