Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So Dejah has been BEGGING me forever to let her have short hair.  I just couldn't bring myself to do it.  It has taken so long to get it here, and I know how I feel after mine gets chopped (I love it for a day or two, then I want it long again).  Anyway, I finally caved and let her get it cut.  To top it off, she wanted a bang.  Whoa is me.  This means I HAVE to do her hair and I can't get away with pulling it all into a quick ponytail.

To top off all this hair fun.... my Mom had this package thing to a salon in Eagle that she purchased.  It came with a Pedicure, a Manicure, a Massage, a Hair Cut and 50% off color.  Since her friend is the ONLY one that does her hair, she let me use the hair portion of it.  I went in with all plans to pretend I was Nancy.  Funny how that can bite you in the butt when the hair stylist is someone you knew in middle school, high school and dance :)  It was so funny.  Once she said "I totally recognize you.  Where do I know you from?".... the Gig was up ;)  But really it was fine and So fun to catch up.  Can I just say she does AMAZING hair!  I love the coloring she picked.  Anyway, I tried to get a self portrait of it (of course, I'm not sure what I was doing with my face, but you get the idea).  This way, my Grey hair can come in with full force and it will be harder to notice (that is until the roots are obvious and I will just get it done again).

1 comment:

  1. Dejah's hair was so long. Tegan has been wanting her hair short, but Justin says no...he likes long hair on the girls. I am not sure how I feel. I LOVE your hair...you are beautiful!
