Monday....more determined than ever I decided to work this baby out of me. Actually, I am nesting pretty bad, so it was easy to convince myself to work hard. I helped Alex in the yard and edged the whole thing, then I weeded all the flower beds, pulled out all the dead bushes. Did a lot of house work, ect, ect. So anyway, that night was ROUGH! I couldn't rest for the life of me. I ached, I tossed, I turned, I probably went to the bathroom 10 times. Finally at 3 in the morning I got up. I tried resting in my recliner for a while. I ate a little. Then around 4-5 in the morning I started contracting. They were pretty uncomfortable. They progressively got closer. I really thought for sure I'd have this baby sometime Tuesday.
Tuesday comes and progressively they start to die off. I was so irritated and SOOOO tired! I literally had to get on my knees and pray to the Lord for some patience. I mean, it was not a good day for me. Luckily Tuesday is "Fun Day" with friends! I got to pretty much sit and sulk about it while at the pool for hours. Tuesday evening I was Spent!! I fell asleep at 9:30.
Tuesday Night....BEST NIGHT SLEEP EVER!!!! and NO sleeping pill. I didn't get up once to go to the bathroom except at 6am because Logan was crying. I went back to sleep till 8.
Wednesday, Today, I have felt AMAZING! I can breath. I can walk. My veins aren't hurting. I am happy, and I feel good. Alex and I went shopping for a bit today and left our girls to play at my sisters. Its just been a great day. I had some friends over for a Hot Dog roast and little "Birthday Fun" for myself. And I still feel great! I'm thinking she's dropped and all those contractions must have pushed her down. She isn't as wiggly as normal either.
So that is my story. More to come I'm sure.