A YEAR AGO....This was my babies!

These are the "Weeds" that refuse to stop growing....
Here they are today!
Dejah and Mycah
They are little Besties...when they are "getting along" ;)
Really for the most part, they really are best buds. Dejah can tend to be a bit bossy, but Mycah doesn't seem to mind most of the time. I guess that is what comes with being #1 and #2. They are pretty competitive too, its pretty funny to watch.

"Who You Lookin' At???".......
"Yup...that's right"
I really can't believe I got these good shots of her...she has been so grumpy since Saturday. She's had a fever and huge loss of appetite. I'm not quite sure what her deal is but I'm guessing its teething. She is almost ONE and hasn't broke in one single tooth yet. That's ok....she can be my sweet baby forever.

Logan...Logan...Logan....where to start.
Mischievous is the name....Trouble is the game.
....and this face tells it all.
Just this evening, I left to go do some Visiting Teaching while Alex stayed home with the kids. At some point during that time Logan thought it would be fun to sneak out through the garage and take his little scooter on a ride.....almost right out of the subdivision!! Alex had to go chase him down before he got to Ten Mile, which is the main road leading into our subdivision. I'm tellin' ya... HE IS A HANDFUL!
Mycah, thank goodness you turned 4. I think some maturity is finally catching up with you. I'm so glad your terrible two's are finally over!! :) (now that you are going on five).
Mycah starts Preschool in a month and I'm so excited to see how she'll do.
Dejah...my little leader of the pack. I couldn't ask for a better one. Here she is sporting her "Holy Mouth".
Those front teeth were so loose and totally dead, they looked all yellow and yucky. I begged her to let me yank em and she refused. I then bribed her with some new black boots with heals. After some peer pressure from some friends she finally caved. I got both out and now she is just waiting for those stores to start putting out boots. Lucky for her...the tooth fairy was only carrying five dollar bills that night....so she got to buy some cute slip on shoes to hold her off.
Such cuties - great pics!!
ReplyDeleteThat was an insane time laps! It's amazing what a year will do!
ReplyDeleteWe are in the same boat with the front teeth! My girls teeth just refuse to fall out! They are hanging on for dear life and I can see the big girl teeth trying come through! We may be headed to the dentist!