Anna and the kids and I went out last night for my birthday. Our favorite place to eat as a family is Texas Roadhouse. It has a way layed back atmosphere that allows the kids to enjoy their experience. Our girls eat there better than anywhere else. I always order the same thing- baked potato, 8 oz stake, with a slab of ribs, wonderful roles, peanuts, etc. Anyone who has kids could perhaps feel as happy as I have these last few years raising our kids and spending time with them. My kids are truly unique and energetic. Last night I just spent some quality time appreciating my family and watching my girls interact with each other. The two make me laugh a lot, because they are totally different and complement each other in a really fun way. Well, things are good right now. I am getting my truck painted through BSU's auto body shop. It will take about 3 months to complete and will not cost that much compared to getting it done somewhere else. I am just glad to have it under a roof and not outside in the weather all winter due to the van kicking it out of the garage. Well, that's all from here. Enjoy the rest of the week and your weekend. Thanks for the contribution to dinner last night mom and dad! Later.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Birthday Party
Anna and the kids and I went out last night for my birthday. Our favorite place to eat as a family is Texas Roadhouse. It has a way layed back atmosphere that allows the kids to enjoy their experience. Our girls eat there better than anywhere else. I always order the same thing- baked potato, 8 oz stake, with a slab of ribs, wonderful roles, peanuts, etc. Anyone who has kids could perhaps feel as happy as I have these last few years raising our kids and spending time with them. My kids are truly unique and energetic. Last night I just spent some quality time appreciating my family and watching my girls interact with each other. The two make me laugh a lot, because they are totally different and complement each other in a really fun way. Well, things are good right now. I am getting my truck painted through BSU's auto body shop. It will take about 3 months to complete and will not cost that much compared to getting it done somewhere else. I am just glad to have it under a roof and not outside in the weather all winter due to the van kicking it out of the garage. Well, that's all from here. Enjoy the rest of the week and your weekend. Thanks for the contribution to dinner last night mom and dad! Later.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Alex!
Happy Birthday to my Honey!!
1. Love those Blue Eyes!
We love you Alex! Happy Birthday!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Congrats to My Brother!

Friday, January 23, 2009
What do Ya do on a Friday Night?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
20 Weeks Pregnant!
Some of you have been wondering how my Pregnancy is progressing. Well, I am just about 20 Weeks Prego. I have been waiting for the "Best" opportunity for a Photo-op when I am all dressed cute, wearing make-up, and have my hair done....I also decided that 'aint' gonna happen. So you get to see me in my very "raw" form. Basically everyday I wear sweats! If I do decide to shower, my hair usually gets pulled back into a wet bun. Make-up?? Oh ya, that is of the past, and I only wear it on Sundays and special occasions. If you didn't already know, I suffer with a very embarrassing condition called Labial Vericosis, otherwise known as Varicose Veins in the Labia. I also get them in my legs. When I was Pregnant with Mycah I remember feeling them for the first time and didn't know what it was. It started at around 20 weeks and pretty much "put me out" for the rest of my pregnancy. So here I am again. I know what it is. It is VERY painful. Doing any kind of daily task is slow and difficult. If you see me, I probably seem fine to me though...its just me "dealing". If I could do pregnancy without-out this condition, I'd probably rarely sit down. At this point, I'm kind-of forced to. I have spent most of my day sitting, and I hate it. So now you've heard me complain. Here is my video.
The baby moves now to where I can feel it. I sleep pretty well. My hormone levels are good. I don't feel too emotional. Alex has been a trooper through all of it and such a great help. We are going to the Dr. on Feb 5th to find out what we are having, so stay tuned!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Toddler BUNK??? I Need a Vote!

Friday, January 16, 2009
Picture Tag!...and you think You're embarrassed!
#3. Self Portrait (Lucky for me the one thing I did today was shower/shave/and do my makeup though...dang it)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Real Estate MADNESS!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Washing Cars in January???
Friday, January 9, 2009
We have been having a GREAT Christmas break!! Alex goes back to work next Wednesday, and I am not really excited about it. We've been having so much fun with our girls, we even got rid of them for an evening of fun with friends and family doing bowling and pizza! The events have been great...and Alex has been even greater!!! Spoiled I tell ya! He has done every single dish this house has produced for about a month, and Laundry, and Organizing, and cleaning cleaning cleaning. He takes the girls off my hands when I need a break, and boy do I need it, but what kind of wife gets this royal treatment? Anyway, starting next week it will be back to the daily grind and much less husband help. I'm just really glad that he'll be off for summer break when this baby comes! I love my hubby! He is WONDERFUL! Here is a picture of Alex teaching Dejah how to ride the bike she got for Christmas. It didn't last long, it was pretty cold out.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Wipe Out!
So Dejah and I decided to go sledding today. We went to a park with a small hill, but it didn't serve mine and Dejah's thrill. We ended up sledding in by our home down a hill that had a fence at the bottom. This hill was serving our interests a lot better than the one before. We were having a real good time when a few little girls came and started to slide down the hill on by themselves without a big kid like me. Of course, Dejah asked to go by herself. Well, I am a damn fool. I let her go but didn't think about speed and the likelihood that she would travel further than we did together. Sure enough, as soon as she took off I knew that I was in trouble. I chased after her, but it was too late. She ran into the fence at the bottom of the small hill. It made me really nervous as I ran up to see what had happened. Luckily, the brunt of the force was applied to her snow cap, though she did end up with some cuts on her lip and face. Needless to say, her teeth and everything else was OK! I thought that I would for sure be taking her to the hospital for a split skull. She did hit the steel post ya know. Anyway, I am glad that she is OK and that tommorrow she still wants to go with her dumb ass dad to hopefully redeem himself. Sorry if the swear words have offended anyone! I am not very pleased with myself right now. This could have been a lot worse. Thanks for the daily prayers mom!